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A Happy St. Patricks Day from all of us at Southwoods!
Continue reading »The Life of Clifton (Jerry) Noble, Sr told through his daily journal entries
Continue reading »Milk delivery like clockwork. No one could see the gears move but they always did. And when the Great Depression hit, a young boy headed out to deliver milk long before the sun would rise.
Continue reading »A Pup on a small farm, Shadow learns the trade of being a Farm dog. Follow her adventures from a 3-week old puppy to a full-grown member of the family!
Continue reading »A time for relaxing, for emptying the mind. Sit on the back porch and enjoy the time!
Continue reading »An excerpt from “Historical Facts and Stories About Southwick”. Learn how the main road through Southwick changed its name from Simsbury Road to College Highway!
Continue reading »While the weather turns from cold to warm, come enjoy a hearty meal to say goodbye to the snow of winter and end with a dessert that welcomes the planting of spring.
Continue reading »Local events from Plays to Trips, Antique Appraisals, and so much more. Find something to do and support your local non-profits!
Continue reading »Employment, Goods & Services & Thank You’s.
Continue reading »Cover photograph by Christine V. Baran-Cox was taken last year at Diemand Farm in Wendell, MA. Al Diemand purchased his…
Continue reading »We hoped for winter better than the last, and thought we had escaped the stormy blast, of icy wind until short days ago, when we awoke to bitter cold and snow.
Continue reading »New Year’s Day, 1964! Elizabeth lost her wedding ring. We looked everywhere to no avail. She is understandably upset, but I assured her it would turn up. I headed back to work on January second. Two-and-a-half inches of snow fell overnight, mostly
Continue reading »The cabin was our home for a number of years, and we loved living in the woods with its beautiful pine trees. The picnics in the grove, the evenings before the fireplace, the skating parties, the sliding on Cemetery Hill, the grouse nesting in the woods and feeding the birds in winter were things we enjoyed so much.
Continue reading »February 14th is National Donor Day, an observance day originally designated by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to raise awareness for organ, eye, tissue, marrow, platelet and blood donation.
Continue reading »The colors of the winter sunset, The ever increasing daylight, The pure whiteness of the snow, The presence of the winter birds…
Continue reading »Somewhere between the misty cold rains of Winter and the feverishly warm winds of Autumn. There we lie Among the suburban slums on the edge of town, where turned up train tracks with rusted rails and band names spray – painted on store alleyways depicted the landscape of our teenage years…
Continue reading »Warm up this winter with some homemade soup and croutons.
Continue reading »A list of local non-profit events and volunteer opportunities. Come join concerts, photography shows, and much more this month! FREE publishing and promotion of local non-profit events.
Continue reading »Job Offers, Goods and Services, Items for sale, and anything else!
Continue reading »Southwoods provides its readers with over 70 advertisements from trusted local services ranging from tax filing to home repair to cleaning services and so much more! Click to see what deals you can find this month!
Continue reading »A quick bio about our Cover Artist, Marie Flahive!
Continue reading »A joyous welcome to the New Year and all the possibilities it brings.
Continue reading »A final moment to remember Clifton (Jerry) Noble Sr., a long time writer for Southwoods, dear friend, and “memorable” to all who met him.
Continue reading »Memories of Skating, her dad, and Dog Reddy. Tonie Ann recalls the simple joy of spending time with her family and the interesting things you can find unexpectedly.
Continue reading »So the holidays are over and as winter looms, I think back
Continue reading »When snow fell and there were no heavy-duty trucks to quickly move the snow, the kids would play and the teens would earn pocket money by shoveling.
Continue reading »Warm up with some homemade soups while the cold of winter slowly fades to warmer weather.
Continue reading »Dinners, trips, cookie sales, and much more! Come see what’s happening in your neighborhood this month!
Continue reading »A letter to the constituents from our State Representative, Nickolas Boldyga
Continue reading »Employment Opportunities, Goods and Services, and other local messages from local businesses to you!
Continue reading »I have heard it said we should close our doors, No matter how bitter the story or the cold. Safer not to share the warmth of our hearth, With a stranger whose past has not been told…
Continue reading »On the first Sunday in December 1963, Mrs. Webb’s solo to the tune of “Liebestraum” went well, but John Camp and I made a mess of the anthem’s ending. When we were out of sight of congregation, I got laughing about it. Lillian Cowles and…
Continue reading »We had moved to Windsor Locks, CT into a small complex of approximately 50 to 60 families. The units were a combination of single houses and duplexes with a single road running through the units. It was like one huge Mother Goose…
Continue reading »“Shhh,” my brother accented with a finger near his mouth. We jostled for position on the top steps peering through the banisters. It was midnight: Wigilia. The moon shone through the living room window. Spotty was sleeping in the hall. “Shouldn’t he be near the Christmas tree?” I whispered. “Or the manger?”…
Continue reading »Holly sprigs and New England Christmas seem synonymous; glossy, leathery green leaves adorned with brilliant round red berries. One of the most extensive collections of hollies in the country is located in the town of E. Falmouth on Cape Cod. A unique wildlife sanctuary and arboretum, the Ashumet Holly Reservation protects…
Continue reading »Our old but newly purchased farm house had been exactly what we wanted. Of course it needed lots of work but we were ready for the challenge. I was a new mother; totally absorbed in the needs of our precious baby boy, wanting him to be warm and safe but also…
Continue reading »The Christmas season is here but instead of the warmth you’ve come to expect at this special time of the year, the holiday spirit is eluding you and somehow you feel left out. It’s a loneliness all too common at this season…
Continue reading »Take a break from the diets and enjoy yourself with some sweet Christmas treats.
Continue reading »The tree stands in the corner of the living room–all blue lights nestled in its prickly branches. It’s adorned with shiny red, gold, green, and blue balls, and silver strands of tinsel…
Continue reading »Local and non-profit events including bake sales, cat adoptions, and so much more!
Continue reading »From Goods and Services to Help Wanted. Classifieds come from your local businesses to you!
Continue reading »In honor of those who have served and who are serving now… Thank You!
Continue reading »The governor signed a pay raise for state employees! That gave us $260 a week.George Berry and I agreed to wait till afternoon to…
Continue reading »Jeff looked up at the sun and wiped his brow. It was a hot November Sunday and he was mad. He had on his woolen army uniform and was sweating like a pig. He also felt like
Continue reading »Just the other day at the Westfield Brown Bag a woman approached me and asked if the apples that we were handing out were real. I was a little puzzled by the question at first but…
Continue reading »At the end of the Korean War I was stationed at Misawa Air Base in a rural area of Northern Japan. While there I decided it was time to get my driver’s license. I took some lessons and took my…
Continue reading »Your local businesses welcome you to stop by and get something special for the loved ones in your life this holiday!
Continue reading »Why write about granola? Here’s the thing. I. Love. Granola. I love it with yoghurt, with fruit, with crème fraiche, with milk (that’s a lie…
Continue reading »Taste the flavors ofThanksgiving with some pretty creative dishes that are both sweet and healthy!
Continue reading »Thanksgiving has always meant family. When I was young, the traditional feast was prepared by my mother. She roasted turkey large enough for seven and any relatives who…
Continue reading »This Thanksgiving as we thank God for His blessings in our lives, let us think of the Pilgrims and the hardships they endured in their new homeland…
Continue reading »Local and non-profit events including bake sales, breakfast with Santa, craft fairs, raffles and so much more!
Continue reading »A letter to the constituencies with updates about your local government by Representative Nicholas Boldyga!
Continue reading »From Goods and Services to Help Wanted. Classifieds come from your local businesses to you!
Continue reading »The fourth annual “A Walk with Southwick Spirits” will be held at the Old Southwick Cemetery in Southwick, MA on…
Continue reading »In the cool morning air, and wearing my red fleece jacket and pink Red Sox baseball cap, I’m surrounded by the beauty of the October leaves. I wonder, though…
Continue reading »Tuesday October 1, I did our laundry in Russell from 5-6:30 am. The next day started at a chilly 39 degrees with fog. I got to Greenfield by 7:20. Later I got potatoes at Ed’s Foodland in Easthampton.Chatted with cousin Lester Emerson in his Southampton yard for a few minutes.He is taking half-hour flying lessons from Richard
Continue reading »Last year we scanned The Big E entertainer list online and discovered that A-Ray of Elvis was performing on Saturday afternoon. We saw Ray Guillemette Jr. do his impersonation of Elvis the previous summer at the Agawam Summerfest Concert series and we both loved…
Continue reading »Being a descendant of most of the town’s founding fathers, I remember the days of giant family gatherings on our farm listening to the baseball game on the radio; and friends chatting away in my grandmother’s small town family restaurant. Not all that far removed from their lifestyle…
Continue reading »Just above Boston in the ancient town of Malden in the mid 19th century, lived a man by the name of Ephraim Graves. A man whose mysterious life was out-shined only by his strange death and the stories that followed…
Continue reading »I never really thought much about Milkweed until this summer when I started seeing several beautiful Monarch Butterflies in my yard. I posted a picture of the Monarch on facebook and my sister Kelly told me that Monarch’s love Milkweed…
Continue reading »Taste the flavors of Autumn with a treat and something to warm you up on those windblown fall days!
Continue reading »We have found why the first settlers took to this hill country instead of farming the rich lands in the valleys, abundant enough even in this part of the world. It seems that in the old days…
Continue reading »Local events and non-profit events including trips, festivals, frights, and preservation of History.
Continue reading »A letter to the constituencies with updates about your local government by Representative Nicholas Boldyga
Continue reading »From Goods and Services to Help Wanted. Classifieds come from your local businesses to you!
Continue reading »From the tragedy of 9/11 to the tragedies of today, so many times our country’s flag flies sorrowfully at half staff in honored memory and respect for those lost to violence in our country and around the world.
Each time…
The glorious colors of fall foliage in New England and the aromas of the season make Columbus Day weekend a perfect time to visit Granville and experience our annual Harvest Fair.
Coming through the Granville Gorge from Southwick on Rt. 57, you arrive at the Village School…
On Sunday, September 1, I took the baby to Westfield when I picked up Hester to go to church. The choir marched in singing “Come to the Church,” and…
Continue reading »August 23, 1950 at 6 P. M. Richard N. Gaylord and Albert E. Fletcher started for Cape Breton Island and Nova Scotia driving a 1941 Chrysler Royal, and towing a sleeping trailer 3 1/2’ x 7’ x 2’.
The story continues….
Like many of the people who grew up in this area, I have many experiences tied to The Big E. Unlike most people, my experiences are not the norm for the average fair goer. My early memories are when my dad worked for Western Mass Electric Co. and manned the Totally Electric Home display…
Continue reading »Another year of screaming teachers, bad grades and warnings of being grounded – Having to sit on the same school bus and behind desks for Catechism class on Saturday mornings – No surprise that my hair grew longer…
Continue reading »With the Summer turning into Fall, enjoy these dishes to hold onto the fading season just a little longer!
Continue reading »Join the fight to save the pristine shores of North Pond in Southwick! We have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to protect the only remaining undeveloped land…
Continue reading »Local events and non-profit events including Book Signing, Golf Tournament, Chili Cook-Off, Concerts and more!
Continue reading »A letter to the constituencies with updates about your local government by Representative Nicholas Boldyga
Continue reading »From Goods and Services to Help Wanted. Classifieds come from your local businesses to you!
Continue reading »Don’t miss this fun presentation about the games and toys our ancestors played with in the 1800’s, on Wed., August 17th, 6:30 PM, at the NCCHP Museum…
Continue reading »The back door is open to let in the morning’s coolness. In the trees close by, the blue jays sit, awaiting my appearance, and the crumbled bread I will give them…
Continue reading »The morning of Thursday, August 1 started with laundry at 5:10 a.m. That day, I worked at the schoolhouse till 8:50 p.m. on department records…
Continue reading »Our little cottage was located in the woods off South Longyard Road in Southwick. It was among a number of little rental cottages built in the 1940’s…
Continue reading »In winter I awake to silence – a deep, enveloping quiet – and I know that when the window shades are raised, I’ll look out on a white, powdery stillness everywhere…
Continue reading »Who else had a great experience working for a small business in Westfield? In May 1975 I started working at Westfield Spring Manufacturing, Inc…
Continue reading »Flavors of the Summer await with two dishes; one side and one main course.
Continue reading »Sometimes I can see right through you. That only makes me love you more. In fact, I have always believed that you are more valuable than the biggest, brightest diamond…
Continue reading »August 23, 1950 at 6 P. M. Richard N. Gaylord and Albert E. Fletcher started for Cape Breton Island and Nova Scotia. We drove a 1941 Chrysler Royal, towing a sleeping trailer…
Continue reading »Local events and non-profit events including trips, festivals, benefits, and picnics.
Continue reading »A letter to the constituencies updating what is happening in your local government by Representative Nicholas Boldyga.
Continue reading »From Goods and Services to Help Wanted. Classifieds come from your local businesses to you.
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