

RESUMES Affordable, Fast, Personal, Effective. Military & Student Discounts. Call Marjorie (815) 671-0875


TRAPROCK DRIVEWAYS built & repaired. Gravel, loam, fill deliveries. Tractor services, equipment moved, York Rake. Bill Armstrong Trucking. 413-357-6407.
APRIL 1, 2017 9-3 31 Wells Road, Granby, CT. Refreshments, pony rides, vendors. Art, household items, tack, toys, flags, crafts, tupperware, soap, jewelry, antiques, clothing, Easter items, Norwex, 31, fishing gear and more.
DELREO HOME IMPROVEMENT for all your exterior home improvement needs, SNOW PLOWING & SNOW REMOVAL, ROOFING, SIDING, WINDOWS, DOORS, DECKS & GUTTERS extensive references, fully licensed & insured in MA & CT. Call Gary Delcamp 413-569-3733


St. Jude’s Novena – May the sacred heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved and preserved throughout the world now, and forever. Sacred Heart of Jesus pray for us, St. Jude, worker of miracles, pray for us. St Jude, helper of the hopeless, pray for us. Say this prayer 9 times a day. By the 8th day your prayer will be answered. It has never been known to fail.  Publication must be promise. Thank you St. Jude for granting my petition. MW

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