August 2016 Bulletin Board

Bulletin Board

Our Lady of the Lake Church
Annual Bavarianfest

THE ANNUAL BAVARIANFEST, at Our Lady of the Lake Church, 224 Sheep Pasture Rd, Southwick, MA-Sunday, August 21  from 12:30–4:30 PM: Our annual taste of Germany; it is a delightful event for all ages; Kastle Korner for kids, Crafts and Games. Bavarian and conventional foods and drink are available. Donations are $2 per person, children to age 17 free, food and beverages sold separately. Raffle tickets are available by calling (413) 569-0161 or send an email to: .  First prize $500; second prize $150; third prize $50 gas card. The cost of raffle tickets are: $4 per ticket or 3 for $10. The Raffle drawing will be on August 21; you need not be present to win.

Pot Luck Cancer Benefit For Care and Support
for Bette Jean Wilson (Spear)

There will be a benefit on September 3, 2016 at the VFW Post 872, 151 Point Grove Road Southwick, MA
The theme is Pot Luck, so if you can please bring a dish. Adults 18 and older $20.00 or $30.00 a couple, kids 6 to age 17 $10.00 each, 5 yrs and under free.   There will be $1.00 raffles $5.00 and $10.00 as well. If you have any questions or concerns please contact Jessica Spear-Sayre at 413-378-0712 or Kimberly Kearney at 413-896-5115.

High School Equivalency Test Classes

Westfield Community Education is offering free, evening HIGH SCHOOL EQUIVALENCY CREDENTIAL PREPARATION CLASSES for residents of the Greater Westfield Area that are committed to investing the necessary time and energy to prepare to take the “HiSET”- High School Equivalency Test, formerly called GED.
Information & Registration night will be held on August 30, 2016 at 5:30pm in the Lang Auditorium of the Westfield Athenaeum, 6 Elm St.,  Westfield, Ma.  Registration night is mandatory.  Please be prepared to complete registration paperwork and take an assessment test to determine class placement.  Classes officially begin on September 12, 2016 at the Westfield Athenaeum.  For additional information please call: 413.336.3100 or visit us online at

Our Lady of the Lake Church
Religious Ed Registration

Our Lady of the Lake Church in Southwick,  MA  announces parents / guardians may register on line starting August 1st for the 2016 Religious Education school year. This year our classes will  be on Sundays, starting the week of September 18th. We will have make up classes on Tuesday evenings at 6pm if students are not available on Sundays.
Our class schedule is as follows:
Grades 1 & 2 – (Grade 1 is required for First Communion in grade 2) – Sundays at 9am in Marian Hall.
Children’s Liturgy – 10am in the church and Marian Hall.
Grades 3 – 6 ~ 11am in Marian Hall
Grades 7 – 11 ~ 5:45pm – 6:55pm –  in Marian and Father Shea Halls and including the 7pm Mass.
Kindergarten is every other Monday from 4 – 5pm beginning September 19th.
We look forward to another wonderful year learning about our faith and traditions.
Please download the Religious Education Registration form from our website and mail it in to the church. FMI please call (413) 569 – 0162, Fax (413) 569 – 0081,

Holy Trinity Parish, Westfield

SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 18TH, 2016, 12 noon to 5 pm at Pilsudski Park, 200 Old County Rd., Holyoke. Mass will be celebrated at 10:30 am. Polish & American food (includes Take-Out). Polish & American music by The Mark VI for your listening & dancing pleasure in the spacious ballroom from 1 to 5 pm., games for adults & children, Bounce House Bingo, Straw Booth, Chinese Raffle, Bake Sale. Grand Raffle worth $2000 in cash prizes. Come for good food and a good time. Free admission & parking, held rain or shine. For more information call the Parish Office, Monday thru Thursday from 9am to 4pm at 568-1506. Hope to see you there!

Class of 1959
Reunion Potluck Picnic

Westfield High School, St. Mary’s High School and Westfield Trade School class of 1959 will hold a reunion potluck picnic on Sunday, September 11, noon to 6 pm at the home of Jack & Carol Jeneral, 22 Meadow Lane, Southwick, MA. This is a very casual get-together of classmates and their spouse or significant other. Bring your favorite appetizer, main dish, or dessert, or even something simple like chips and dip. There will be no monetary donations requested. The reunion committee is contributing to make everyone’s day pleasant and memorable.  The main entertainment is centered around chatting and telling stories of life and experience. Music of the oldies will create the atmosphere and classmates are invited to just drop by for a while or stay the entire afternoon. Since there is no complete list of classmates, if you are reading this and graduated in 1959 from Westfield High, St. Mary’s or Trade, you are most certainly invited. For more information, contact Martha at 563-2291 or Jack at 896-3736.

Whip City Travelers Trip
Williams Inn Germanfest

Whip City Travelers offers a trip to the Williams Inn Germanfest on October 27, 2016. Package includes roundtrip motor coach, all you can eat German Buffet, entertainment by the Stratton Mountain Boys Trio featuring Austrian & Barvarian music on traditional instruments and driver gratuity. Price is $91 pp. Deadline to sign up is 9/23/16. FMI contact Whip City Travelers at the Westfield COA at 562-6435 Monday 10-1:30 or Wednesday and Friday 9 – 12 noon. All trips are open to the public and all ages are welcome.

Southwick History Museum
Sundaes on Sunday

Sunday August 28, 2 to 4. Build your own sundae with standard toppings and some surprises too.  Take a turn at cranking a home-made ice cream maker.  At Southwick History Museum, 86-88 College Highway, Southwick.  For more information, contact Linda at 988-3018.

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